Guidelines For Online Booking

  1. Click on Book Online Now button.
  2. Select arrival date,departure date,no.of nights that you want to stay and no.of rooms that you want to required from drop down list.
  3. Select room type by clicking on sort by specific room types.
  4. Availability Calendar will show the availability of the rooms. Click on the desired check-in and check-out dates to set the duration of your stay and view the available room types.
  5. After filling all the information click on  Continue to Book button.
  6. If you click on the  Continue to Book button it will display all the information that you fill up previous and also the room amenities information and  available rates of the rooms.If you want to edit your previous information then click on plus sign then change the information which you want to change.After completion of information editing click on update button that will update your current information.
  7. Tick in the box of the room that you want to book.
  8. Summary of Charges will display at the right hand side above the continue button.
  9. Click on Continue button to  book the room as per the specified charges.
  10. To confirm your reservation first you required to login if you are already registered or if your not registered then click on new guest  registration and fill up the form or if you want to continue as a visitor then click on continue on visitor and fill up the form.
  11. After registration or login select your payment type and fill up required information and then tick in the accept terms and policies box to confirm your reservation.


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